
A very easy to use, cross platform, jQuery based UI toolkit, that’s still small in size, has the features you need, and doesn’t get in your way of doing things! Put jQuery and jKit on all your pages and HTML becomes so much better. And the best thing? You really don’t have to be a programmer to create a trully amazing website! jKit has 99% of all the features you ever need. You don’t have to check out dozens of plugins, learn how to use them, only to find out they don’t work in a specific browser. And even if jKit doesn’t have that one feature you need right now, jKit is fully extendable with plugins and command replacements, all that and your API always stays the same.

Hi, stranger

jKit is growing almost daily, if you don’t find what you need, let us know with a post on the community forum or our social pages. Hey, who knows, maybe it’s already on our ToDo list.

Content Summary

jKit Button

If you like jKit, use and want to support the project, here’s a small button you can use to link to the jKit website.

Btw, if you did something really nice with jKit, send us a link to your work and if we like it, we would sure love to feature it.

Showandhide command

Show something and then hide it again. You have full control over the specifics.

Basic Usage (HTML)


Advanced Init (JavaScript)

$('#myelement').jKit('showandhide', { 'delay': '2000', 'speed': '500', 'duration': '5000' });


delayInt (Milliseconds)0The delay before the element is shown
speedInt or “fast”, “slow” (Milliseconds)500The duration of the animation in milliseconds, bigger = slower.
durationInt (Milliseconds)10000The duration while the element is fully shown
animation“fade”, “slide” or “none”fadeThe type of animation used for the transition
easingString (“linear” or easing plugin option)linearThe easing behavior of the animation


shownTriggered when the element is shown
completeTriggered whenever the animation is finished


Basic example:

Show element after 2 seconds for 5 seconds and than hide it again:

Text …
<div data-jkit="[showandhide:delay=2000;speed=500;duration=5000]">Text ...</div>


There are currently no replacements for this command.

[ Learn more about replacements ]



Do you have questions or do you want to suggest new features? Than head over to our new community:

[ jKit Community ]